Monday, October 29, 2012

Son of A Biscuit Eating Bulldog!

Interesting tittle, no? I used to love those orbit commercials. Dirty mouth? clean it up!

I recently moved so I don't have many crafty things to share with you all here is a picture of my adorable kitten, Marly! She climbed up those clothes. Someone talk me out of declawing her please because it's looking more appealing each morning that I wake up to her having shredded a brand new roll of toilet paper.

So I really want to talk about something near and dear to my heart and I'm sure many of yours though you try to hold it in. Don't!! Let it out! Scream and bitch and whine about it until the madness ends!!! But really guys I'm talking about this whole sub-tweet/ vague facebook status thing. It needs to stop.

Some of you, at least everyone under 25, knows what I'm talking about. Most of you have probably done a little subtweeting yourself. That's alright. I have too. We are all human. We all get emotional over others and feel the need to vent about it. These social media cites are not diaries. Don't spill your guts and think that not using someone's name is going to make it less obvious.

Here are some wonderful examples to get my point across:

1) I have a friend (I am refusing to mention any names here but I'm sure she will know who she is and subtweet about it) and she really liked this guy. A lot of drama went down between them. I won't go into the dirty details but now she is subtweeting him constantly. He is also one of my friends and we have talked about how he feels about it. It's creepy. Legitimately he feels stalked. They weren't together that long so it's just weird. But even if you have been together for a long time and something happens. DON'T DO IT!! That person will know. It just makes you look pathetic. You shouldn't be sitting at home whining about them anyways  Go out and move on. Don't pine away for them. Now I know that I have done this. Not often but I do. Many times after I have done it, I delete the status or tweet. It's especially easy for me on twitter because he doesn't follow me, but that doesn't make it alright.

Example two is a bit more annoying.

2) Basically my friend and I got in a fight. Drunken and stupid I lied to her and drama unfolded. In her sober mind everything was clear but I don't think she took my state of mind into consideration. Honestly, it should not have been as big of a deal as it was/is. It was only a few days ago but it is just getting worse. I have seen at least 5 subtweets about me and one facebook status that I know involved me. It's especially obvious since she is hashtagging (#) something about best friends with every one. Where I should be sorry it just makes me angry. She is dragging this out and making it a huge drama when all it really needs is an apology and a hug, which I have given several times I might add.

So look at these from my and my guy friend's point of view. Now think about how dumb you look when you subtweet someone else. Honestly, after each subtweet I feel more pathetic no matter if I am mad, sad, or something else. It's showing that that person is on your mind when they probably shouldn't be.

I would say the only exception is things like "I love him" or things like that. But that's sickening so I will unfriend/follow you if I see that shit.

This is why I gave up Facebook the last time.

Now for more Marly!

"How childish to make a big deal out of nothing"

"I'm mature enough to forgive you, but I'm not dumb enough to trust you again."

". Tired of not understanding. Just want things to be the way it used to be."

"I'm so glad we didn't date"

Friday, October 5, 2012

2012 as Me

I haven't written in a while and I apologize for that. I also underestimated how much I would want to say on a blog. I feel like this is less of a pinterest/craft blog and more of just a me blog for me.

To start off, I saw a pin on pinterest about soaking candy in vodka to make flavored vodka. How perfect, right? Wrong. First of all, the flavor is over powering. And, for some reason, when I thought of candy vodka I thought it would taste more like candy and less like vodka. Nope. The vodka is still there. It's not something you'll want to straight drink (bad idea, trust me). It's more of a shot. I don't know why I thought it wouldn't be. Mistake on my part. So this is just a fair warning.

This year has not gone well. If 2012 is the end of the world (which it isn't) then this is a sucky last year for me. I don't know if I've just made bad choices or what I've done to create such a mess.

To start off 2012 my 'boyfriend' or I suppose he would prefer that I say the guy I was seeing, left to study abroad. We weren't 'together' but we weren't not together. It was one of those things. You know what I mean. You can ask my friends, that hit me pretty hard, but I won't linger on THAT. There's more sadness to talk about still!

I've never been one to be single long. That's not to say that I'm really pretty or that I like 'rebound guys', I don't. I've just never learned to be alone. I think it goes back to my relationship with my dad. Also, my first boyfriend and I were far from a healthy relationship. When I say first boyfriend I'm talking serious boyfriend. Not like in seventh grade when I got my first kiss and called him my boyfriend (not even a real kiss). So shortly after study abroad guy left (Elliot as my friends call him) I began seeing someone new. I think subconsciously I was trying to move on but really my feelings just transferred  My friends even told me that they were afraid that would happen, and they were right. I know now that I should have taken more time for myself. I should of found out who I am without a guy before jumping to the next one. My relationship with 'the next one', we'll call him the wrestler for blogging sake, has been a lot of fun. We have a good time together.

I moved in with The Wrestler at the beginning of the 2012 summer. I didn't want to go home and neither did he. It was supposed to be a temporary thing. We both worked at jobs 20 minutes away in opposite directions. We adopted a cat for free from the Human Society. Life was good. For a little while.

The Wrestler took his car to a body shop to fix some cosmetic damage. Later, the engine caught fire while I was driving it. So we were out a car. He would borrow mine if I didn't work or pay to borrow someone else's if he did. We got by.

The alternator on my car went out. The Wrestler and my brother-in-law fixed it with little expense to me. There was about a week that we were both paying to borrow cars from people. What happened to REAL friends?

The next month I got a speeding ticket. Ironically, I was speeding because I was borrowing my mom's car that doesn't have any headlights. It was getting dark and I didn't want to blind the people in front of me with my lights. I was trying to pass them to avoid pissing them off. My bad.

In the beginning of October I decided I needed to move out. The RA job I had lined up with the school didn't work out and I stayed with my boyfriend. Let me tell you that living with four guys is no easy task. Especially when they aren't your children, or brothers, or related to you in anyone. If you don't have to love them because they're related to you then you probably won't. Let's be honest.

In the beginning of September, my boyfriend was T-boned at an intersection in my car. He is fine but my car is totaled  The man didn't have valid insurance and my insurance company can't seem to get a hold of him using the fake telephone number he provided. Weird how that doesn't work.

Last week liquid was spilled (not by me) onto my computer. Hopefully Best Buy will have good news that the speakers are all that needs to be replaced.

My mom is moving out of our current house and can't keep my cat. That makes three for me. I'm slowly becoming the crazy cat lady.

That's a whole lot of complaining to do in one blog and I strongly apologize. I've watched Bridesmaids over and over again and I've started comparing my life to hers. Not a good idea. BUT she gets a happy ending so I will too, right?

To counter all of this sadness here is a list of good things that have or will happen to me this year:

I adopted TWO new babies (cats). I'm happy to be a cat lady.
I got a new (to me) car fro a great deal
I did get a new computer to replace the old one
I've lived on my own for 6ish months and haven't died. That's and accomplishment in it's own.
I ended my Freshman year of college and Started my Sophomore year off with a BANG!
I'm still awesome.

There are other things. Most definitely (I can never spell that word right). Sometimes it's just hard to focus on the positive when the negative are so bad. And sometimes, the negative are so bad that you have to focus on the positive. 2013 will be better. Not instantly. That's what the end of 2012 is for. To get to better. The positive.