Friday, June 29, 2012

Rental Horrors

This is the project that I am the most proud of and I get to see it every day!
Recently, my boyfriend and I began renting a room out of a house with other college kids. Specifically boys. Before we moved in there were five guys (burgers and fries?) living here. So, needless to say, this place was disgusting (sorry if any of you are reading this).
When we moved into the house we noticed that everything is pink. Ugly pink. The rooms, the bathrooms, the kitchen cabinets. It's so strange. I guess the story is that the owner's of the house let their two little girls paint their rooms and the bathroom whatever color they wanted. And apparently they didn't help them paint it, at all. I have no clue what happened to the kitchen but that explains the paint job in the rooms. The nails and plug-in covers were all painted the same pink. The air vent on the wall was pink too. The worst part? Not only did the girl who lived in our room paint over tape but she painted over dust. Actually, to be more accurate, a spiders nest. I got the privilege of cleaning up dead baby spiders that were trapped until their death in their own egg sack. Aren't rental horror stories fun?
Anyways, I had this vision. I decided to get crafty. The room is mostly for my boyfriend so I decided on the colors of beige and navy blue. It's a pretty dark navy blue. We spent a few days painting the entire room beige. Three walls took two coats. I wasn't sure what to do about the ceiling. I didn't want to paint the whole ceiling but the girls didn't tape anything when painting so there was a lot of pink on the ceiling. We decided to just paint over the pink with beige since it wouldn't be THAT noticeable from afar.
Okay, enough talk. Here's the fun part. It'll be easier to show you.
I did this (by myself) while my boyfriend was at work. I intended to surprise him with it since he had no clue what I was trying to describe to him. It was pretty funny. Every time someone would ask about the paint job he would describe it to them wrong. I would correct him and then the next time he tried to describe it he'd get it wrong in a completely different way. I digress. Like I said, we painted all of the walls beige but, since most of this wall was going to be covered up, we only did one coat on this wall. I ran out of tape half way through the wall and had to walk (my boyfriend had my car for work) to the hardware store (that ended up being closed) and then Dollar General to get tape. It didn't matter if it was the same type of tape, just the same thickness. I was worried that the tan tape, which wasn't painters tape, wouldn't work as well but it worked just fine. All of these boxes were free handed so some of them are a little crooked but it kind of added to the look, like it is supposed to look that way.
After making all of the boxes I used a roller and painted blue over the entire wall. I used two coats to make sure it covered. This whole project didn't take that much time but I had to wait for the paint to mostly dry before peeling off the paint (in case I needed to paint over a few places). I think this is the perfect accent wall for our little room. This wall is the biggest of all of the walls and isn't broken up by doors or the closet. You can kind of see in the left corner of the picture that our ceiling slopes so all of our other walls are short.
This is the end project and my boyfriend. Both cleaned up nicely don't you think? We painted all of the other baseboards blue as well as the doors because, again, they were all pink. That explains why the window, which wasn't pink, is also blue. It really doesn't make sense that the only thing that wasn't pink was that window. All well. My next painting project is the bathroom which is a slightly less disgusting color of pink but I think that the left over beige will cover it since it's so small.

Some cool alternatives to this project would be diamonds rather than squares. I am a big fan of accent walls. Stripes can also be made. I am a fan of many different sized stripes on one wall but that's just me. Any two colors can be used. Always do a light and a dark or a neutral and a light/dark. Never two dark colors, because the room will be dark and depressing and never two brights, because it will be blinding. One day I want to do a brown diamond wall in my living room. I will probably use beige again but have orange accents throughout the room.

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